Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So many celebrations...

I can't begin to tell you about the number of celebrations life has included lately. It's wonderful. I love celebrating milestones for friends - and there has been no shortage of them! And they aren't going to stop anytime soon. I've got countless baby showers and a few weddings on the horizon. Goodness!

From baby showers for sweet sorority sisters....

To weddings of old family friends....

It's just a little reminder to me that this is what God intends. He fills our life with the dearest of people, and tasks us with lifting each other up. Celebrating together is just another way we get to do that. I'm thankful for so many celebrations.

Mrs. Jones


  1. I know what you mean & I completely agree! My refrigerator is starting to look like a stationery store!

  2. Those kinds of things come in cycles and they're oh so much fun!
