Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wishful Wednesday: Bliss

I can blame my dear sweet mother for this entire post. When I took a quick shower and got ready at her house before Christmas, I grabbed some lotion. I fell in love. So it appeared in my stocking at Christmas, and then I was hooked.

Let the Bliss obsession begin. Oops. Thanks, Mom.

Oh this stuff is heaven. And I'm obsessed. But holy goodness, expensive! It's a good thing Valentine's and Easter are around the corner. Because I'm almost out already. What's a girl to do?

This stuff has me ready to quit buying ANY other lotion, regardless of how cheap I can get it. I want only one lotion in my bathroom. And as soon as I use all the crap I have up, I will only be using this type. Try it. You will do the same exact thing.

I had some Amazon gift cards from Swagbucks, so I recently snagged this little gift pack to try a few other things out. (It includes the Bliss Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Mask that a few blog friends have raved about!) I can't wait to try it. I'll share my thoughts after I get to. :-)

Happy Wishful Wednesday! Now go try some Bliss!
Mrs. Jones


  1. OMG that body butter rocks! I had some in my stocking a few years ago and Ive been obsessed since!

  2. I love Bliss products! The W Hotel uses it in its bathrooms and I always take some samples when visiting that property. I will try to sneak you some next time I'm there ;)

  3. I fell in love with the Bliss facewash after staying at a W Hotel one time a few years ago...and the body wash is amazing too! Thanks for reminding me that I need to buy some more of these amazing products! :)

  4. omg i love bliss stuff - every single thing i've tried has been perfect. wish i could get more!!!

  5. I haven't been exposed to Bliss products yet. You have me really curious!

  6. Oh dear. I can't get addicted to an expensive lotion! I'll never go back!
