Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sunday Social: Reflecting on Summer

1. What was your favorite trip/vacation/activity this summer?

Our family beach vacation in Seaside, definitely!

2. What was your favorite outfit look or clothing item of the summer?
Shockingly, this summer I didn't have one. I got into leggings to work out in, and stuck with sundresses a lot, but never found that go-to dress this summer.... Oh well!

3. What is one thing you wish you'd gotten to do this summer?
I wish I'd gotten to take a little more time off, just for fun, to stay caught up on life. But it's been too busy - things have been going non-stop!

4. What was your favorite song of the summer?

I Am Confident from Ronnie Freeman's latest album...... it's been such an uplifting song!

5. What is your favorite movie or tv show of the summer?

Well that one is easy. Hands down.... love this show.

Happy holiday weekend y'all!

Mrs. Jones


  1. okay, you are like the third or fourth person to talk about the newsroom. now I need to watch it!

    glad you a had a great summer.

    glad to be a new follower

  2. Happy summer! I am sad to see it go but so excited for all things pumpkin.
