Sponsors and Reviews

Keeping Up With the Joneses is currently accepting sponsors. See the options below!


Companies looking to become sponsors have three options:

1) Provide an item from your store or collection for my review, and I will write an honest and truthful review. It will be denoted as a sponsored review and promoted via social media.

2) A featured post with no review is available for a fee of $30, payable via PayPal. The post will be denoted as a sponsored post and promoted via social media.

3) Companies looking for simpler advertisements can purchase a sidebar button position for a fee of $8 per month, payable via PayPal.

Individuals or blogs looking to become sponsors have

1) A sidebar button position is available for a fee of $8 per month, payable via PayPal. You will receive three social media mentions during that month.

2) An introductory post is available for a fee of $15, payable via PayPal. The post will be denoted as a sponsored post, and your site will receive five social media mentions during the month.

3) Provide an item for a giveaway on the blog, and your site will be promoted in the giveaway post. The giveaway will be denoted as a sponsored giveaway, and will receive at least 5 social media mentions during the giveaway period.


If you are interested in providing a giveaway for readers of Keeping Up With the Joneses that does not fall under the categories above, please contact Mrs. Jones via email at aRealLifeWife@gmail.com.

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