Friday, August 26, 2011

Ideas just keep on coming...

A friend sent me this picture. Halloween for Eve Belle anyone? I died laughing. She would hate it. But I would love, love, love the pictures and fun it would be....

Mr. Jones didn't like my idea for our costumes last night. I want to be a Starbucks cup and make him go as my Starbucks Gold Card. He did NOT find it to be amusing.... maybe he'd find going as Ron and me going as Hermione with EB stealing the show as Harry Potter to be more his style.... We haven't dressed up in a few years and I think we need to this year! 

Happy Friday everyone,
Mrs. Jones


  1. awe that is sooo adorable!! you need to dress your little puppy up like that!

  2. I love your Harry Potter combo idea! My hubs would never dress up in matching outfits (he has told me so) but I think the Starbucks one is extra adorable.
