Friday, August 19, 2011

How does your garden grow?

One of our experiments this summer has been growing our own tomatoes out of a tomato planter my grandmother sent us. It has been amazing - up until about last week when the heat finally SCORCHED our plants. I think I'll be yanking them out and replanting more next week since we still have so much warm weather ahead. 

But here is what things have looked like so far! I've enjoyed the fresh tomatoes, but not as much as sweet Mr. Jones has! We haven't bought tomatoes in a few months. It's been nice. 

We also have a baby tomato plant that hasn't done as well. We'll try again with one next year. But I've loved this little experiment - that feeds us no less!

Anyone else garden a little?

Mrs. Jones


  1. I have no intention to start gardening because I would most certainly kill every plant in sight. I just can't seem to keep things alive! But I am admiring your tomatoes - they look yummy!

  2. I started with almost two dozen tomato planst and half a dozen pepper plants. I must have gotten a bad batch...because most of them died right away. I order from the same company each year, and they were horrified! The remaining plants have not produced a single veggie yet. How frustrating! I love to garden.
