Monday, July 25, 2011

If you give EB a bone...

... Just know she's gotten really spoiled with homemade frozen bone treats lately. So she may or may not be picky.

The latest creation was a peanut butter and mashed banana concoction. She loves it.

Do you make homemade treats for your pets? I'm kind of enjoying it because it's so easy with her Chillin Bones set.

Mrs. Jones


  1. I have been SO out of the loop when it comes to delicious doggie treats.. I think Sheepie NEEDS that Chillin Bones treat maker! Umm.. immediately, in fact! Thanks so much for sharing! It's about time the other little (okay, big and furry) guy gets some spoil-age! :)

  2. That's such a neat idea - you can create exactly the type of treats she wants. Fun!

  3. I make our pups homemade treats all the time. I slice sweet potatoes into french fry size and bake for 2-3 hours at 250 till dehydrated. Store in the fridge for up to 2 months. Easy as that!

  4. I make about a half dozen different types of treats for the pups. It's a rotating cycle.
