Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bits and pieces, photo style

As I clean off my phone and camera, there were still a few things I needed to share with you!

I got super cute presents from Katie a month or two ago when we moved. The sign looks so cute over our laundry room! I haven't put the cross up yet.

In case you wondered how I plot my shopping trips and couponing, I took a picture.

We made a super pretty pizza last week.

This is a version of taco-pasta bake. It was yummy.

I even set the table one night!

A friend bought some of Eve's Christmas presents in Disney for us. I was so glad she was going down there. Everything I wanted was sold out. So how perfect and sweet of a friend is that?

Mr. Jones made some seriously amazing crab and shrimp pasta. I will post his makeshift recipe. It's seriously one of the best things I've ever eaten. Yum.

Okay, that's about it for my photo montage.
Mrs. Jones