Monday, December 26, 2011

Home for Christmas

Well, I did a very poor job of blogging about our Christmas prep, so I guess now that Christmas is over, it's time to catch up on all that fun, right?

When I came home from my cruise, my sweet husband had surprised me by hanging our new curtain rod and curtain in the living room. It's so nice to block out the sun while we're watching tv in the afternoons on the weekends! It looks great and made our tree really pop too!

There was a tacky Christmas party with dear friends.... gotta love them!

As always, EB was a lazy little fur-ball that I can't help but adore for her super cuteness...

And then there were some seriously sweet ornaments on our tree. I love our tree...

There were two precious new ornaments on the tree this year. 
My sweet aunt painted this beautiful ornament for us. Roll Tide!

Another edition to the tree was this sweet gift from Katie
It made my day when that showed up in the mail!

I love Christmas. It's my favorite time of the year.... I'm going to cling to it and pretend it's still Christmas for the next week. Who's with me?

Mrs. Jones


  1. I love the tree with the ribbon cascading down it! That's such a great idea.

  2. Love the tree and the cute new ornaments!
